Journal of Applied Sciences

Year: 2023 | Volume: 23 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 132-142
DOI: 10.3923/jas.2023.132.142
An Egonet Analysis Exploring Social Support Structures of Construction Workers: A Pilot Study
Rebecca R. Langdon , Cameron J. Newton, Sukanlaya Sawang and Lisa M. Bradley

Abstract: Background and Objective: Construction industry workers have high levels of stress and suicide rates compared to other industries. Support mechanisms like social capital and social support help to protect against stress and distress, however, these support networks are unexplored in the construction management literature. The objective of this research was to determine if a social network approach can be used to understand if differences exist in the social capital and/or social support of workers with and without distress. Materials and Methods: Psychological distress was measured using a sample of 14 site-based construction workers and collected data about their personal networks, in addition to the social support received from these networks (in particular, emotional, practical, informational and companionship support). Sociograms were created for each worker for their networks and compared them to determine if structural differences existed in the networks of distressed and non-distressed workers. Results: The workers without distress reported closer relationships, had more diversity in their networks and received more emotional support than those with distress. Also, having (and using) a partner was a key aspect of supporting well-being within their personal networks. Our findings suggest that exploring how social capital is accessed and the type of social support received warrants further exploration to understand how support networks and structures impact positively and negatively on psychological well-being. Conclusion: This early evidence also suggested that social network analysis could be used to understand differences in the support structures of workers. Also, there may be an opportunity for workplaces to implement activities or programs to help provide appropriate support at work to fill emotional and social support needs.

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How to cite this article
Rebecca R. Langdon, Cameron J. Newton, Sukanlaya Sawang and Lisa M. Bradley, 2023. An Egonet Analysis Exploring Social Support Structures of Construction Workers: A Pilot Study. Journal of Applied Sciences, 23: 132-142.

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